Dr. Alan Barthen was incapacitated from an automobile accident in 1973. After the accident, he went through a battery of tests from several different medical doctors. His symptoms never improved and actually found that over the next 3 years he became dependent on the use of a cane just to walk. Finally, after the suggestion of friends, he begrudgingly went to a Doctor of Chiropractic and within one month of care his use of the cane was discontinued and he found himself capable of resuming his participation in sports activities. Dr. Barthen’s enthusiasm for Chiropractic became overwhelmingly positive and at 26 years of age, he enrolled in the Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. He graduated in 1983 and within four months he opened his office in Cary, IL. Presently, Dr. Barthen has now been in practice over 33 years and not only has thousands of hours diagnosing and treating patients with spinal disorders, but has spent endless hours learning and improving his skills. He keeps current and up to date with advancements in Chiropractic as well as the application of different treatments and therapies to patients. In November of 2016, Dr. Barthen passed the exam for National Certification for Non-surgical Spinal Decompression with The International Medical Advisory Board. This is one of the first decompression programs of its kind to be offered in America, making Dr. Barthen one of the first nationally certified chiropractors in spinal decompression. This therapy has been shown to be highly effective for the treatment of the vast majority of spinal disc related disorders.