"Ask Adam" Adam has been in the HVAC industry for over 40 years. He has been involved in all aspects of the business from service to sales. His main interest is in customer comfort. How Efficient Is Your Furnace And A/C? Adam Kem, Owner Official Heating & Cooling When replacing your HVAC equipment, most homeowners spend a lot of time deciding on the efficiency rating of the equipment. Once a decision is made and the equipment is installed, everyone thinks they maximized their energy and comfort issues. But how do you really know the actual efficiency of that equipment in your home? The equipment manufacturers base their efficiency ratings on ideal conditions. They assume that the duct work is sized properly, that there are the appropriate number of supply ducts and return air ducts in the house, and that the ducts are air tight. Having been in thousands of homes over the past 43 years, I can't remember any of them meeting these three requirements. The Comfort Institute has compiled thousands of duct leakage per- centages from thousands of homes across the U.S. The following list illustrates the importance of duct sealing: OAverage duct system has 20% air loss. OA/C efficiency 16 SEER - actual rating 11.1 SEER. 095% efficient furnace - actual efficiency 76%. There are many factors that encompass "efficiency", but the easiest to fix is duct leakage. We have a patent designed product that is over 95% effective for duct sealing. If you have any HVAC questions, call 800-350-HVAC (4822) Bella says: or email adam@officialhvac.com It's A Spring Thing! Schedule your annual A/C Cleaning & Inspection And be ready for the weather ahead! OFFICIAL Heating & Cooling 800-350-HVAC (4822) officialhvac.com 0 FACTORY AUTORD DEALER PEN D NATE 5 Time Honoree Carrier BBB "Ask Adam" Adam has been in the HVAC industry for over 40 years. He has been involved in all aspects of the business from service to sales. His main interest is in customer comfort. How Efficient Is Your Furnace And A/C? Adam Kem, Owner Official Heating & Cooling When replacing your HVAC equipment, most homeowners spend a lot of time deciding on the efficiency rating of the equipment. Once a decision is made and the equipment is installed, everyone thinks they maximized their energy and comfort issues. But how do you really know the actual efficiency of that equipment in your home? The equipment manufacturers base their efficiency ratings on ideal conditions. They assume that the duct work is sized properly, that there are the appropriate number of supply ducts and return air ducts in the house, and that the ducts are air tight. Having been in thousands of homes over the past 43 years, I can't remember any of them meeting these three requirements. The Comfort Institute has compiled thousands of duct leakage per- centages from thousands of homes across the U.S. The following list illustrates the importance of duct sealing: OAverage duct system has 20% air loss. OA/C efficiency 16 SEER - actual rating 11.1 SEER. 095% efficient furnace - actual efficiency 76%. There are many factors that encompass "efficiency", but the easiest to fix is duct leakage. We have a patent designed product that is over 95% effective for duct sealing. If you have any HVAC questions, call 800-350-HVAC (4822) Bella says: or email adam@officialhvac.com It's A Spring Thing! Schedule your annual A/C Cleaning & Inspection And be ready for the weather ahead! OFFICIAL Heating & Cooling 800-350-HVAC (4822) officialhvac.com 0 FACTORY AUTORD DEALER PEN D NATE 5 Time Honoree Carrier BBB