Celebrating each life, beautifully and affordably. Call today to learn more about creating a tribute that honors special memories and fits your budget. MARENGO-UNION QUERHAMMER & FLAGG FUNERAL HOME FUNERAL HOME MARENGO CRYSTAL LAKE 815-568-8131 QuerhammerAndFlagg.com 815-459-1760 Dignity MEMORIAL Querhammer & Flagg Funeral Home is proudly owned and operated by SCI Illinois Services LLC. Whole life insurance and annuities underwritten by American Memorial Life Insurance Company, Rapid City. SD. Celebrating each life, beautifully and affordably. Call today to learn more about creating a tribute that honors special memories and fits your budget. MARENGO-UNION QUERHAMMER & FLAGG FUNERAL HOME FUNERAL HOME MARENGO CRYSTAL LAKE 815-568-8131 QuerhammerAndFlagg.com 815-459-1760 Dignity MEMORIAL Querhammer & Flagg Funeral Home is proudly owned and operated by SCI Illinois Services LLC. Whole life insurance and annuities underwritten by American Memorial Life Insurance Company, Rapid City. SD.