A TIP FROM A FORMER SMOKER 18 years in the military and my biggest battle was against cigarettes. Brian, age 60 Air Force Veteran as Brian smoked and got heart disease. He went from serving his country overseas to spending his life in emergency rooms and operating rooms. Finally, he quit smoking and, years later, got a heart transplant that saved his life. You can quit smoking. For free help, call 1-866-QUIT-YES www.quityes.org ILLINOIS TOBACCO U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC.gowtips QUITLINE CDC LUNOS OEPARIMENI OF PUBUC HEALTH AMERCAN UUNG ASOOABON OF UNOS Where Guiters Almaya Wint #CDC Tips Developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This message was funded by the Illinois Department of Public Health. A TIP FROM A FORMER SMOKER 18 years in the military and my biggest battle was against cigarettes. Brian, age 60 Air Force Veteran as Brian smoked and got heart disease. He went from serving his country overseas to spending his life in emergency rooms and operating rooms. Finally, he quit smoking and, years later, got a heart transplant that saved his life. You can quit smoking. For free help, call 1-866-QUIT-YES www.quityes.org ILLINOIS TOBACCO U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC.gowtips QUITLINE CDC LUNOS OEPARIMENI OF PUBUC HEALTH AMERCAN UUNG ASOOABON OF UNOS Where Guiters Almaya Wint #CDC Tips Developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This message was funded by the Illinois Department of Public Health.