THE GENESEE THE SPOTLIGHT IS CLOSER THAN YOU THINK Saturday, March 1 7:00 PM Legendary Bass Player and Vocalist GET YOUR TICKETS EARLY! Thursday, March 27 7:30 PM The "African King of Comedy" Thursday, May 1 7:30 PM The Ultimate Journey Tribute Band For Mature Audiences THE MOODY BLUES Johnborge With Special Guest JON DAVISON of YES "Nights in White Satin" and "Ride My See-Saw" MICHAEL BLACKSON As Seen on "The Michael Blackson Show" and "Hip Hop Squares" VOYAGE CELEBRATING THE MUSIC OF JOURNEY "Open Arms" and "Don't Stop Believin'" THE GENESEE THEATRE 203 NORTH GENESEE STREET, WAUKEGAN, IL 847-263-6300 GENESEETHEATRE.COM TICKETMASTER.COM THE GENESEE THE SPOTLIGHT IS CLOSER THAN YOU THINK Saturday , March 1 7:00 PM Legendary Bass Player and Vocalist GET YOUR TICKETS EARLY ! Thursday , March 27 7:30 PM The " African King of Comedy " Thursday , May 1 7:30 PM The Ultimate Journey Tribute Band For Mature Audiences THE MOODY BLUES Johnborge With Special Guest JON DAVISON of YES " Nights in White Satin " and " Ride My See - Saw " MICHAEL BLACKSON As Seen on " The Michael Blackson Show " and " Hip Hop Squares " VOYAGE CELEBRATING THE MUSIC OF JOURNEY " Open Arms " and " Don't Stop Believin ' " THE GENESEE THEATRE 203 NORTH GENESEE STREET , WAUKEGAN , IL 847-263-6300 GENESEETHEATRE.COM TICKETMASTER.COM